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Financial Assistance

Joysanne Sidimus Fund

The JSF subsidizes 75% of each visit at the Al & Malka Green Artists' Health Centre, up to maximum $775 annually. This funding is intended to help professional artists treat an acute injury or condition and can be used for 12 months following the date of approval.

Unused funds will not be extended beyond expiry date.

The fund may be helpful if you are:

  1. Covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), with no additional insurance available to you
  2. Able to access the Centre regularly for appointments
  3. Able to pay 25% of each appointment fee
  4. Have a specific medical concern that can be treated within the funding and time limits
  5. Meet the following eligibility criteria:

Have you been approved for the JSF subsidy and wondering what is your cost for a treatment? Please check subsidy fees here

Ste​p 1:
Book an intake appointment. We highly recommend that you complete the JSF application after your appointment with Clinical Intake Coordinator.

This appointment is free of charge and can be made by calling The Al & Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre at 416 603 5263.

Step 2:
After your intake appointment with Clinical Intake Coordinator, please click on the link below. 

This JSF online application will determine your subsidy eligibility.

Please respond to each question accurately and follow instructions on the JSF application.

If any questions or concerns please contact:


Phone: 416 603 5263